APA Authors Satisfaction Guaranteed
International Science Editing is offering APA authors a satisfaction guarantee. Authors pay us after they get their manuscript. International Science Editing carries the risk. Upload your manuscript online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No scientific paper is the same; this is why we do not offer a generic pricing model. In reality some papers […] Continue Reading...
Dedicated Support for APA Authors
International Science Editing is offering APA authors dedicated support from our staff to help them prepare their papers. We will check that the papers meet the APA’s submission criteria. This service also includes the fundamentals of editing such as improved grammar, punctuation, spelling, and consistency. High Impact journals want to publish papers with novel research […] Continue Reading...
Offices for Authors in Europe, US, India and China
APA authors will be able to contact us in Europe, China, India and US directly and speak to people on the phone when needed. If you have any questions regarding International Science Editing and our services for APA authors, please contact us at the following email address: apa_admin@internationalscienceediting.com We will respond to your queries within 1 working […] Continue Reading...